Thu. Dec 5th, 2024

It is perfectly normal to have the occasional thought or two about someone else when you are in a relationship, but when those thoughts start to be put into action you enter the danger zone. Face to face flirting, text messages, Facebook chat… etc etc may seem harmless at first but these things have a way of getting out of hand, and excuses like “one thing lead to another” or “I wasn’t thinking straight” are pretty insulting when you think about it, so how far is too far and when have you crossed the line? That is what we are here to look at.

Flirting with a stranger – Most people enjoy a bit of flirting and a bit of back and forth with the pretty girl in a store or at the gym is pretty harmless, so is it acceptable? I think so yes, it is acceptable as long as you are not exchanging numbers or or doing anything more then flirting, but if this stranger is somebody you see on/will see on a regular bases maybe they don’t truly fall under the stranger category, in this case they become an acquaintance.

Flirting with an acquaintance – You wouldn’t consider them a friend and you don’t see them that often but theirs no doubting the fact that they are no longer a stranger, so can you flirt? I think you are really starting to enter the danger zone here, the hot girl who makes your coffee every morning and knows you by name may seem harmless enough but would you girlfriend agree?

Flirting with a friend – Whether you’ve been friends for a day or a lifetime this is somebody who knows your phone number, somebody who you hang out with when you both get the chance and somebody you talk to from time to time, so can you flirt? Nope… I mean I don’t think this should even be a question. This person and you may have been friends for years and that is not reassuring to your girlfriend when she finds out you’ve been flirting, a word from the wise, keep friendships appropriately friendly without crossing into flirting territory when you are in a relationship.

Naughty text messages – So you’ve started sending some naughty texts or pics to someone, are you cheating? Yes, unless you are in a pretty open relationship you have crossed a line. Keep the naughty texts and pics for your girlfriend.

Physical contact – This isn’t even a real question physical contact is cheating and you already knew that.

All relationships really heavily on trust, and when that trust is broken it can be close to impossible to repair. If you have any doubts at all about whether your interactions with the opposite sex are appropriate in you current relationship then I suggest having an open conversation with your partner and finding out what they think.


By admin

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